Wednesday 3 November 2010

Looking at casting and further planning

Whist in the planning stage of film their were many aspects that we as a group had to consider, we all had a part in the story-boarding process and then turning it in to an anamatic, with a voice over.

Another part of the planning process was to look at casting. This needed much consideration, because as this is a short film, the character types need to be established very quickly as there is not much time for the audience to be able to make a recognition. When trying to find cast members we need to consider first of all if they could act. This would make all the difference because if they could not act then it would ruin the sense of it being realistic. Also the availability of the time schedule in relation to when we want to film. After considering these factors and others, we cam up with out cast members. The two main charcters will be the lead ( no name yet) played by Alex Eagles, and his Asian friend ( also no name as yet) to be played by Adeel Ikram. 

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