Friday 15 October 2010

Audience research

For the audience research part of the project, i deiced that i would do a questionnaire. I am going to hand out the questionnaire to 20 people and then make a conclusion of my results. My questionnaire has 11 questions. Some are focused on short film and some are focused on racism. 


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Analysis of a drama narrative

In the drama genre there is a conventional narrative which is normally followed when producing a film. First of all it starts off with the exposition. This is where the tone is set, along with the theme. Mostly characters will be introduced here and the audience will be able to gain the knowledge that it is in the drama genre. Next up in the structure is rising action. This is where the tension starts to build and the audience are going to get suspicious about what is going to happen and when. After this will be the inciting incident. Mainly this will involve the actual drama happening, this could involve physical violence, conflict between characters. Following this will be the  cooling down period where the characters will reflect on what has happened and if it can be resolved. This follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium. It starts off with equilibrium then something happens causing disequilibrium, and then finally it will be resolved to equilibrium again. 

Conventions of the drama genre

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Review "On Time"

In realtion to what is a short film i am going to analyse a short film. It is called On Time.

There are many things which i enjoyed about this piece. Fisrt of all that it was all shot in one location. This made the film feel more continus and did not confuse me or other viewers. Another thing which i liked was that it had little cast members and few that actully had diaolouge, i like this becuase it did not make the film to complicated, and as it is a short piece it was less for the audience to take all the characters in and just focuased on the two, letting the audience try and connect as much as possible with the charcters.

Things which i didnt like about On Time, was that it seemed too sureal, and unrealistic. This made me not belive in the characters as much as i knew that it was not real. Another thing which i disliked was the use of colour. the use of colour was quite bland and dark, which did not really fit with the theme, this was becuase the theme was furturisct and all the the colouring was mainly blue, brown and grey.  


Thursday 7 October 2010

What is a short film ?

A short film is described as a  piece of footage that is from 3 minutes, to 45 minutes. Short films generally have a narrative,and includes stereotypically a beginning middle and end. They are normally produced by aspiring film makers and the general public. They will generally made to be uploaded onto the internet as sites such as Youtube, and also to be entered in to competitions,  and viewed by many audiences. There is no specific genre for short film, although the most short films that are made come from the social realist genre.